About Corporate Partners
The DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference Corporate Partner Program provides an opportunity for participation by organizations that share a common commitment to the well-being of DuPage County municipalities. Corporate Partners gain high visibility among member communities through such means as; meetings, workshops, publications, annual events, and sponsorship opportunities.
The DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference seeks Corporate Partners that:
- Demonstrate a track record as a good corporate citizen;
- Support and offer expertise in areas that will contribute to DMMC's overall mission;
- Provide top-level corporate involvement in specific, substantive programs that meet mutual needs and further the mission of both the Corporate Partners and DMMC; and
- Do not pursue a partisan political agenda while participating in DMMC meetings and events.
We Invite Your Participation!
If you would like your organization to be considered for participation in the program, please download the application below and submit the form to DMMC. Applications are accepted throughout the year. If you have any questions, please contact Kimberly Blair, Communications and Member Services Manager at (630) 571-0480 or by email.
Corporate Partner Benefits
The benefits of becoming a Corporate Partner are two-fold. Partners will receive exclusive benefits listed below, including networking opportunities while assisting the Conference with educational programs and special projects.
Annual Diamond Partnership - $10,000
Silver, Gold, and Platinum Partner benefits, plus:
- One page ad in Annual Dinner Program
- One table of eight at the Annual Dinner
- Listed on DMMC website as a Diamond Partner with logo and link to company website
Annual Platinum Partnership - $2,500
Silver and Gold Partner benefits, plus:
- Foursome at Annual Golf Outing
- Exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Listed on DMMC website as a Platinum Partner with logo and link to company website
Annual Gold Partnership - $1,500
Silver Partner benefits, plus:
- Inclusion in Membership Directory
- Recognition in the Annual Dinner Program
- Listed on DMMC website as a Gold Partner with logo and link to company website
Annual Silver Partnership - $1,000
- Listed on website as a Silver Partner
- Invitations to DMMC events
- Reduced event registration fees
- Receive DMMC publications and announcements
Annual Non-Profit Partnership - $500
- Listed on website as a Non-Profit Partner
- Invitations to DMMC events
- Reduced event registration fees
- Receive DMMC publications and announcements